Why Does Therapy Cost SO Much
Why Does Therapy Cost SO Much
Therapy is expensive. It's a fact. This post is a break down of why it's expensive, and how to look at it not as just something "everybody should do" but as a real investment into your life.
Let's Just Get Right To It...
Therapy costs money. Most of the time, when you're looking for a therapist, you're looking at how much they charge. Often, this is the first point of deciding if you want to click that "Schedule Now" button for a consultation call. You think- "Can I really afford $200 a session? That's a lot!" The truth is, it is a lot, because therapy is an investment into your overall wellbeing. It's a lot of money to explore your history, beliefs about yourself, your behaviors, and learn new life skills that can help bring about changes and healing into your story.
Therapy As An Investment
Therapy has become more and more accepted in circles on the internet, and in society at large. Which is a really great thing! However, something that isn't being talked about that much is the commitment and investment you're making into going to therapy. A lot of people have bought into the line "everybody should go to therapy." And while, yes, we can all gain something from being part of a therapeutic relationship, I disagree with this statement. I believe someone who is committed, and has chosen to show up invested with their time, money and efforts, should go to therapy. Not just everyone who wants someone to talk to. You can do that with your mom. Or a friend. Or a stranger. Or even, where our world is headed:, AI. That's not an actual person who has spent a HUGE investment in learning the tools, skills, information, and giving of their time to turn that investment back to you!
When you decide you're ready for therapy, a question to ask yourself is "Am I really ready to make this investment and commitment to myself, no matter how hard it gets in order to find real healing and freedom in my life?" And it's okay if the answer is no. It's probably better in some cases. I've seen lots of people start therapy but when they get into it, don't realize how much commitment it takes to show up every week, be vulnerable, and apply the new insights, skills, new beliefs during the week and come back again. It's hard work. And a lot of time it is worth it. But you only get out of it what you put into it.
But if the answer is yes, and you are ready do commit and invest in yourself, then finding the right therapist, regardless of insurance coverage and dictation, fees, location, and whatever else can get in the way, will make all the difference. It's like deciding on where to have dinner. You can decide on investing in yourself and treating yourself to a delicious meal, perhaps a steakhouse overlooking the ocean. You travel however far, you make the adjustments during the week to make it fit within your budget, you set the time aside, and you make the reservation and you show up. And that meal hits all the right places- the ambiance, the wait staff, the beautifully planted dish. It's somewhere you can fully enjoy and savor every ounce of the experience. Feeling nourished all the way into your soul. Or, you can just swing by a local drive through and spend $20 and get a meal that might hit the spot for a moment, but doesn't nourish you in quite the same way.
That's very similar to therapy. The biggest part is to see and acknowledge the investment you're making into yourself. For yourself. For your past, present and future self.
Myths About Therapy and Money
Therapists must be making a lot of money! They're so greedy!
This is more often than not, most therapists aren't making a lot of money. Sure, $200 a session sounds like a lot, but that $200 is not going straight to the therapist. It goes to taxes, rent, utilities, training, maintaining their license, office expenses, insurance, conferences, subscriptions to software for billing, and so on, not to mention all of their personal expenses (personal rent, food, gas, health insurance, phone bills, student loan debt, internet, etc), that $200 doesn't actually get that far.
Therapists are helpers, they shouldn't ask for that much...
Yes, most therapists are helpers- we get into this field wanting to help others. We want to offer our resources, things we've learned, and help as many people as possible! And the reality is we're human, with our own needs, and own limits. We can't help every person we encounter. We can't be present, holding on to people's stories, 24/7. We just can't. So we have to know our limits. We have to accept them and work within them in order to help those in our offices in that moment.
Holding space, being present, offering insight, scanning our toolbox of tools that might be helpful to each and every person in each and every session is a lot of work. It's more than just listening to people. It's very mentally, emotionally, and physically taxiing on any person, and good therapists know these limits, and work hard to make adjustments to practice within these limits.
I just can't afford it
Sometimes, this is not a myth, it's the truth. As I've said over and over in this post, therapy is expensive and is an investment. But if you really start looking at this belief, this myth, that says "oh you can't afford it" as you drink your 5th Iced Caramel Oat Milk latte of the week (and it's only Wednesday) while walking away from your weekly nail appointment, maybe it's time to really explore that belief that's keeping you held back. What if you gave yourself a pause (not for forever) on a latte every day, set that money aside to start investing in yourself in not just an instant gratification way, but in lasting forever, life changing way- wouldn't it be worth it? What if, you made the sacrifice and committed to your healing journey at whatever cost- how would your life be different? How much better would you feel about yourself and the world around you? Can you really put a price on that? Healing doesn't just happen, it comes from active choices, it comes from sacrificing the comfort in the short term and playing for the long game. It comes in investing in yourself, no matter the price.
If this connects with you, and you are recognizing that you are ready to make the commitment to your healing journey and truly invest in you I encourage you to use this link, and schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation call with me. Let's see if we can take some action steps towards your healing!