
Anxiety Therapy in Burbank, CA & Online Therapy Throughout California


Anxiety Therapy in Burbank, CA


Online Therapy Throughout California

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is normal - it's actually a good thing.

We needed it to help keep us safe from potential threats.

However, it becomes a bad thing when it takes over and we can’t stop it.

Anxiety makes the future feel scary, overwhelming, and uncertain. It steals from the here and now, and makes being present pretty much impossible.

It’s constantly thinking about what might happen- usually the worst version. It’s people pleasing and perfectionism driving every decision...

It’s the overthinking, overanalyzing, overplaying situations, again and again.

It’s not feeling like you can trust yourself, and over-focusing on doing the right thing all of the time.

It’s heart racing out of your chest, difficulty breathing, racing thoughts, not sleeping, feeling out of control.

It’s the difficulty in being present and having quality relationships.

Always thinking about how others think/feel/perceive you, lacking a sense of self. 

People struggling with anxiety often say to themselves: 

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is normal - it's actually a good thing.

We need it to help keep us safe from potential threats.

However, it becomes a bad thing when it takes over and we can’t stop it.

Anxiety makes the future feel scary, overwhelming, and uncertain. It steals from the here and now, and makes being present pretty much impossible.

It’s constantly thinking about what might happen- usually the worst version. It’s people pleasing and perfectionism driving every decision. 

It’s the overthinking, overanalyzing, overplaying situations, again and again. It’s not feeling like you can trust yourself, and focusing on doing the right thing all of the time.

It’s heart racing out of your chest, difficulty breathing, racing thoughts, not sleeping, feeling out of control. It’s the difficulty in being present and having quality relationships.

Always thinking about how others think/feel/perceive you, lacking a sense of self. 

People struggling with anxiety often say to themselves: 

“What if the worst happens?"

“My needs don’t matter.”

“I can’t ask for what I need because then I’ll be needy.”

"My mind won't stop spinning!"

But there is a way to quiet this voice - Anxiety therapy can help!

You can find true peace in your life, with a sense of calm and confidence that will permeate throughout all aspects of your life.

You can learn to have compassion and empathy for yourself, without sacrificing your own needs to please others. 

I would be honored to walk alongside on your path to a life of joy and purpose, free from anxiety and worry and a chance to rediscover the real you.

Anxiety therapist in Burbank, CA

Hi, I'm Kellie.

If you found this page, then I can probably relate to the struggles you are facing. I have had a lifetime of fighting against anxiety, worry, feeling the need to be perfect, and do all the things “just right.” Constantly fearing the “what ifs” and doing everything in my power to try and keep myself safe.

I know what it’s like to feel like the same negative patterns keep showing up, and realizing the tools you have just don’t work any more, or maybe never did.

But having helped countless women overcome anxiety, heal past traumas, and build a life of peace and happiness, I want you to know that there is hope, and that you can make positive change.

If you are looking to finally gain freedom from the stress and anxiety, then click the Book A Call button bellow and schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation to start your journey!

I hope I get the chance to meet you!

“What if the worst happens?"

“My needs don’t matter.”

“I can’t ask for what I need because then I’ll be needy.”

"My mind won't stop spinning!"

But there is a way to quiet this voice - Anxiety therapy can help!

Imagine a life free from constant worrying and anxiety; one that allows you to actually enjoy life. 

You can cultivate deep connections with those closest to you, and learn to establish the proper boundaries so that your relationships can truly thrive.

You can learn to regulate your emotions, and confidently face life’s uncertainties, difficulties, and challenges.

No longer are you plagued with self doubt, or standards that are impossible to reach.

Life does not have to merely be one struggle after another.

Anxiety therapist Burbank, CA

HI, I'm Kellie.

If you found this page, then I can probably relate to the struggles you are facing. I have had a lifetime of fighting against anxiety, worry, feeling the need to be perfect, and do all the things “just right.” Constantly fearing the “what ifs” and doing everything in my power to try and keep myself safe.

I know what it’s like to feel like the same negative patterns keep showing up, and realizing the tools you have just don’t work any more, or maybe never did.

But having helped countless women overcome anxiety, heal past traumas, and build a life of peace and happiness, I want you to know that there is hope, and that you can make positive change.

If you are looking to finally gain freedom from the stress and anxiety, then schedule a free consultation by clicking the button below, and we can see how I might be able to help.

I hope I get the chance to meet you!

About Me

We are a therapy practice offering anxiety therapy services in Burbank and online throughout California.

Licensed Provider

Kellie Murry, LPCC.
#8755 Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor

Get in Touch

4421 W Riverside Dr, Ste 210, Burbank, CA 91505

Anxiety Counseling in Burbank, Ca

Therapy for Women in California

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