Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

Our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are all interconnected and influence us in significant ways that impact our well-being. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a form of talk therapy that teaches people how to explore their thought patterns that are feeding into their emotions and drive their behaviors.

The development of Cognitive Behavior Therapy has been utilized in therapy since its start in the 1960s. Over the decades, CBT has grown to be an effective method of treatment for a variety of mental health issues, as it has been validated through various scientific research and studies.

CBT includes a group of tailored approaches that address common mental health issues, such as stress,

anxiety, depression, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), insomnia, and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD),

trauma, relationship difficulties, life transitions, and Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

Our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are all interconnected and influence us in significant ways that impact our well-being. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a form of talk therapy that teaches people how to explore their thought patterns that are feeding into their emotions and drive their behaviors.

The development of Cognitive Behavior Therapy has been utilized in therapy since its start in the 1960s. Over the decades, CBT has grown to be an effective method of treatment for a variety of mental health issues, as it has been validated through various scientific research and studies.

CBT includes a group of tailored approaches that address common mental health issues, such as stress, anxiety, depression, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), insomnia, and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), trauma, relationship difficulties, life transitions, and Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

How I Utilize Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 

I use CBT as a foundation for most of the issues people come to me with. Whether it be anxiety, trauma, people pleasing, difficulty managing relationships, life crisis, decision making, I help individuals explore their thought patterns, what emotions come from those, and the behaviors that then follow. When there's a behavioral pattern that is impacting someone's life, like not trying something new because they're afraid they'll fail, or not perusing relationships out of fear of rejection, often times, the thought patterns are what keep people suck. Now, this isn't just a "let's think differently and you'll be okay!" method. The truth is, it's difficult, but not impossible, to learn how to catch your thoughts, challenge them, and start to change them, or at least take the emotionally charged power out of them. I help people find the evidence for sorting through and challenge their negative beliefs, and find new ways of seeing themselves and their world!

How does CBT help my anxiety?

Anxiety is mainly rooted in our thought patterns, and then manifests itself in our bodies, for example difficulty breathing, racing heart rate, feeling words and emotions caught in your throat, racing thoughts, and headaches, to name a few. When we are able to recognize the thoughts that are creating anxiety, we can challenge them, while also adapting body exercises to help your whole nervous system learn to regulate. This helps you not just fight anxiety, but manage it so you can find freedom and healing! Anxiety is your body's necessary warning system, but we can learn how to manage it, so it's not on overdrive all the time.

How Does CBT Help Trauma?

CBT has also been found useful in treating trauma symptoms. What makes a traumatic event so impactful, is not the event itself, but what meaning your mind, body, and beliefs assigned to the event. CBT can help identity these thoughts, emotions, and beliefs and start to challenge them, often replacing them. We can learn to find new ways of meaning making of what's happened to you that are more life giving and freeing.

When we have limited and negative thought patterns, we are often in flight or fight mode, that makes living in the present so difficult, nearly impossible. The tools and skills learned in CBT can help explore your story, take ownership of it, and write a brave new ending.

Isn't it time to stop letting your story take control over you, and for you to take control over it?

Reach out to me to day to find out how CBT might be a good fit in finding freedom in your life!

How I Utilize Cognitive Behavioral Therapy:

I use CBT as a foundation for most of the issues people come to me with. Whether it be anxiety, trauma, people pleasing, difficulty managing relationships, life crisis, decision making, I help individuals explore their thought patterns, what emotions come from those, and the behaviors that then follow. When there's a behavioral pattern that is impacting someone's life, like not trying something new because they're afraid they'll fail, or not perusing relationships out of fear of rejection, often times, the thought patterns are what keep people suck. Now, this isn't just a "let's think differently and you'll be okay!" method. The truth is, it's difficult, but not impossible, to learn how to catch your thoughts, challenge them, and start to change them, or at least take the emotionally charged power out of them. I help people find the evidence for sorting through and challenge their negative beliefs, and find new ways of seeing themselves and their world!

How does CBT help my anxiety?

Anxiety is mainly rooted in our thought patterns, and then manifests itself in our bodies, for example difficulty breathing, racing heart rate, feeling words and emotions caught in your throat, racing thoughts, and headaches, to name a few. When we are able to recognize the thoughts that are creating anxiety, we can challenge them, while also adapting body exercises to help your whole nervous system learn to regulate. This helps you not just fight anxiety, but manage it so you can find freedom and healing! Anxiety is your body's necessary warning system, but we can learn how to manage it, so it's not on overdrive all the time.

How Does CBT Help Trauma?

CBT has also been found useful in treating trauma symptoms. What makes a traumatic event so impactful, is not the event itself, but what meaning your mind, body, and beliefs assigned to the event. CBT can help identity these thoughts, emotions, and beliefs and start to challenge them, often replacing them. We can learn to find new ways of meaning making of what's happened to you that are more life giving and freeing.

When we have limited and negative thought patterns, we are often in flight or fight mode, that makes living in the present so difficult, nearly impossible. The tools and skills learned in CBT can help explore your story, take ownership of it, and write a brave new ending.

Isn't it time to stop letting your story take control over you, and for you to take control over it?

Reach out to me to day to find out how CBT might be a good fit in finding freedom in your life!

About Me

We are a therapy practice offering anxiety therapy services in Burbank and online throughout California.

Licensed Provider

Kellie Murry, LPCC.
#8755 Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor

Get in Touch

4421 W Riverside Dr, Ste 210, Burbank, CA 91505

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Burbank, Ca

Therapy for Women in California

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